Sunday, December 1, 2013

Glutinous Rice



Ingredients 材料:
Glutinous Rice     500g ( Sock for 6 hours )糯米     500克
Garlic                   3       ( Smash )蒜头                     3 颗
Dried Shrimps      50g     虾米                                  50克
Cooking Oil         3 Tablespoons 食油                      3 汤匙
Pork/Meat           200g   肉碎                                   200克
Chinese sausage  2         腊肠                                   2 条
Mushroom           10       香菇                                   10 颗

Seasoning 调味料:
Sesame Oil          1 Teaspoon    麻油                       1 汤匙
Soy Sauce           3 Tablespoon 酱油                        3 汤匙
Pepper                                       胡椒                        少许
A pinch of Salt                           盐巴                       适量
Dark Soy Sauce  2 Tablespoons黑酱油                    少许

Garnish   装饰
Spring Onion   葱花
Red Chili        红辣椒

  • Heat oil in wok, put in garlic fry until brown.
  • 烧红锅,爆香蒜头。
  • Put in meat, sausage, dried shrimp, mushroom and seasoning 
  • 加入肉碎,腊肠,虾米,香菇与调味料。
  • Stir fry until fragrance.
  • 炒香。
  • Put in rice, add water until level as rice.
  • 加入糯米,水盖至米平线。
  • Simmer for 15 minutes with low heat, cover wok.
  • 慢煮15分钟。
  • Rice almost cooked, add in dark soy sauce, stir until even. 
  • 糯米半熟,加入黑酱油,搅拌均匀。
  • Cover and simmer for 25 minutes with low heat.
  • 盖锅,慢煮25分钟。
  • Garnish with red chili and spring onion, ready to serve.
  • 红辣椒和香葱做装饰,可上桌。


  1. 您好。第一次到访就有机会品尝到美味的糯米饭,真是太好了。谢谢您的分享。


  2. I remember eating lots of this when I was growing in Singapore. You have cooked yours very well... Yum!

    Nice to know you via blogging. Love to follow your blog for more delicious recipes and hope to stay connect in the future.

