Sunday, December 21, 2014

Green Tea Dumpling

Winter solstice is a very important solar term in Chinese Lunar calendar.  

Midwinter day is the very day in North hemisphere with the shortest day and longest night year-round. 

Ancient china did pay great attention to this day. There was the saying that 

"Winter solstice Festival is greater than the spring festival". Nowadays, many regions still celebrate it as a 

big day. Northerners may have dumplings and raviolis that day while southerners may have dumplings 

made by rice and long noodles. Some places even have the tradition to offer sacrifices to the heaven and 


Green Tea Dough Ingredients :

200g Glutinous rice, 1 tbsp tapioca flour, 180ml water, pinch of salt, 1 tbsp green tea powder+ 20ml water, 1 tsp green tea paste (optional)

Sesame filling ingredients :

80g black sesame seeds (toasted), 70g icing sugar, 50g shortening.

Menthod for filling :

Finely grind toasted sesame seeds in an electric blender. In a bowl combine ground sesame with icing sugar, salt, shortening until in binds together. Shape into small balls. Set aside.

Green tea Syrup ingredients :

1 tsp green tea powder, 150g rock sugar to taste, 1000ml water.

Method for syrup :

Combine sugar, water in a small pot and simmer until sugar dissolves, Sieve into a clean pot. Mix green tea powder with 2 tsp water to form a smooth mixture, add into syrup and set aside.

Method of Dough :

  1. Place sifted glutinous rice fllour, tapioca flour and salt in a mixing bowl, make a well in the center.
  2. Gradually pour in water, knead until it forms a ball of dough.
  3. Mix in green tea solution and green tea paste, knead until smooth but not stick to your palms. Cover dough with a damp tea towel and rest dough for 1 hour.
  4.  Divide the dough into 15g each. Flatten dough and wrap in a sesame filling.
  5. Drop the dumpling into a pot of boiling water and cook until the dumpling floats up to the surface.
  6. Remove with a slotted spoon and place into the green tea syrup, serve warm. 

Sunday, October 12, 2014

紫薯芝士面包 Sweet Potato Cheese Bread


紫薯泥     125克
高筋面粉 300克
砂糖         35克
水             130克
盐              半小匙
酵母         5克
芝士         40克

牛油         20克



Saturday, September 27, 2014

Old Kopitiam Coffee Chocolate Bread

嗨!大家好,一段时期没上來了,工作忙了些。今天,做了我的最愛咖啡味,咖啡巧克力麵包,也是我的第一次。烘焙时,那一阵阵的咖啡香飘过,想起也流口水,还有还有⋯正在做kaya. 明早,我们有Kaya Butter Toast, 又來一杯濃濃的咖啡,开始美好的一天。

300 g 高筋面粉
5 g 盐
65 g 黄糖
5 g 即溶酵母
185 g 冷鲜奶
1 1/2 大匙 即用咖啡粉
1/2 大匙 咖啡香精

20 g 牛油
70 g 巧克力粒

1. 將材料A 放入面包盘。先把牛奶倒入,之后咖啡香精、高筋面粉、盐、黄糖、咖啡粉。按8号 dough 打20分钟,加入牛油和巧克力。按 1号 basic ,大概3个小时完成。

Ingredients A
300g high protein flour
5g salt
65g brown sugar
5g instant yeast
185ml cold fresh milk
1 1/2 tbsp instant coffee powder
1/2 tbsp coffee emulco

Ingredients B
20g butter
70g chocolate

1. Combine ingredients A into bread maker follow the sequence by milk、coffee emulco、flour、coffee powder、sugar、salt 、add yeast in the small heap in the center, cover by some flour.
2. Set the program to "Dough" for 20 mins.
3. Add butter and chocolate. Set the program to "Basic" follow by loaf size and the crust color.

Hope you enjoy it!

Friday, June 13, 2014

Fried Spicy Chicken a'la Nyonya

I remembered I bought this recipes book 11 years ago. I cooked this most of the time, my family like spicy, we like this dish so much. 
I would like to share this with friends, hope you like it too.


1 kg Drumsticks, scored ( I used wings )
6 stalks Lemon grass, lightly bruised
3 sprigs Curry leaves
10 Shallots, peeled and lightly bruised
3 cloves Garlic, peeled and lightly bruised
1/2 tsp Salt
1 tpns Sugar
750 ml Cooking oil for deep frying

Marinade (mixed)

2 tpns Light soy sauce
1 tpn Meat curry powder
2 tsp Powder chilli
1 tsp Powder turmeric
1 tsp Chicken stock granules


1. Combine the chicken drumsticks with marinade, lemon grass, curry leaves, shallots and garlic. Season with salt and sugar. Set aside for 4-5 hours.

2. Heat the cooking oil and deep-fry the marinated chicken until golden brown. Drain and serve hot. 

Hope you like it too!

Saturday, May 31, 2014

绿茶杏仁饼干 Almond Green Tea Cookies





绿茶粉60g (日本比较浓香)
杏仁果 80g

1。奶油放室溫下軟化,將糖粉過篩,打蛋器打至奶油成鵝黃色。接著逐次加入蛋黃,        待攪拌至融入後再加下一顆。奶油蛋黄即完成。

Cutie Doggie And Froggie Cheesecake 可爱小狗狗与小青蛙乳酪蛋糕

一直以来都喜欢吃 Cheesecake 的我,从来都不曾做过。孩子也跟我一样爱吃Cheesecake, 决定开始我的蛋糕路程。

第一次做了Angela 的食谱,孩子见到都已经很兴奋了。

第二次加了巧克力粉, 味道多了另一种香味。


食谱参考:Angela, Lucky Inn 


奶油乳酪 250 g
Oreo   一条
小饼干   一包 ( Munchy Lexus Mini)
糖 65 g
柠檬汁   2 汤匙
鸡蛋 1 个
褐色 M & M  


Munchy Lexue Mini 用来做狗狗耳朵和鼻子,还有青蛙的眼睛。
巧克力粒 做狗狗鼻尖
M & M 做眼睛  
Decorating sugar 大心型和小心型


1. 奶油乳酪加入糖和柠檬汁,搅拌均匀。
2. 加入鸡蛋,拌匀。
3. 在满分模里放入纸杯,放上一片夹心oreo饼干,加一片拆开的夹心饼。
4. 将糊倒入纸杯里,摆上装饰。就像照片里的一样。
5. 放入预热的烤箱,烤 150度, 20分钟。

Friday, May 30, 2014

金瓜玫瑰馒头 Pumpkin Bun


金瓜 60克
黄糖 50克
包粉 375克
酵母 1.5茶匙
发粉 1茶匙
白油 1汤匙


Thursday, May 29, 2014

Pumpkin Sago Dessert 金瓜西米露


清水 1 公斤
班兰叶 2 片
沙谷米 50 克
金瓜肉 600 克
椰浆头 200 毫升
白糖 80 克
盐 1/2 茶匙

2。用 1/2 公斤水把金瓜磨成糊。
3。锅中注入剩余 1/2 公斤水煮班兰叶和沙谷米。


2kg  Water
2  knotted  Pandan leaves
50g  Sago
600g  Pumpkin
200ml  Thick coconut milk
80g  Sugar
1/2 tsp  Salt

1. Wash and skin the pumpkin, steam pumpkin flesh until tender, remove and set aside. 
2. Using half of the water, finely blend the steamed pumpkin to get fine and smooth puree.
3. In a pot, bring the balance water to a boil with pandan leaves and sago balls.
4. When sago balls are cooked and looks translucent, pour in pumpkin puree, coconut milk, sugar and salt.
5. Bring to boil, adjust sugar to taste, turn off heat and serve.